1 day
The Turfu session was offered to young people as part of their activities at the youth centre in the Dutemple district of Haut-de-France.
The young people were aged between 18 and 25 and most of them were looking for work.

Crajep Haut-de-France (https://crajephdf.org/)
Dutemple Social Centre (http://centre-social-dutemple.over-blog.com)


We started the session with what is important to us today, our heroes, our place of comfort, our cultural anchors, and what we like to do. We also made a description of our Dutemple neighborhood. What makes it unique? We looked at its typical places, its inhabitants, and its links with other places.


Starting with personalities and power cards, we built a world. Then, using a map, we created a dream Dutemple, called Crazy Land. The « Dutemple mine headframe* » became the centre of activities. The flat roofs of the buildings were transformed into habitable platforms, with reconstructed forests, animal farms, a memorial, places to meet and party.

*Dutemple headframe
A mine headframe dating from 1920, built for the Compagnie des Mines d’Anzin, now located in a public garden and bearing witness to the town’s mining past. It ceased operations in 1949.


We have gathered great ideas to turn the mine headframe into a fantastic playground for everyone. More importantly, we will never look at our neighborhood the same way again. We uncovered some of its best-kept secrets and realized that we can improve our environment in our everyday lives.